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cle de peau BEAUTE肌膚之鑰 光采修護菁華油

75ML / 2.5OZ

多功能修護精華油 奢華的美容油,可立即令肌膚光滑並減少細紋。 皮膚看起來飽滿豐盈,質感更均勻。 是面部和身體的理想美容保養。 有助抵消環境壓力所留下的痕跡。 光采修護菁華油的獨特配方,適合全身任何部位、隨時都可使用。


光采修護菁華油蘊含伽瑪亞麻酸,能滋潤肌膚、減少粗糙。 瞬間賦予肌膚柔滑的細緻觸感。 減少乾燥、細紋的出現,締造豐盈飽滿、亮澤柔滑的肌膚。 肌膚更加飽滿、光采動人。 減少細紋的出現。 讓肌膚更亮白,並提升肌膚屏障機能。 大豆磷脂配方,讓肌膚再現青春光采。

* 透過柴胡根萃取,强化肌膚表面,締造更加緊緻、柔嫩的面容*。 


* 由先進護膚科技研發,質地輕盈、觸感柔滑。 充滿寵愛的多功能菁華油配方,帶給您奢華、愉悅的美容體驗。 持續使用能改善肌膚紋理,締造立即見效的效果。 經皮膚醫師測試。

For Face: Take some oil on the hand, spread on the palms with both hands, and spread onto the whole face, massaging 3 times. When using on face, use after balancing lotion. When using Brightening Serum Supreme apply Radiant Multi Repair Oil afterwards. Massage the forehead, under the eyes, and the cheeks upwards (repeat 3 times). For Body: Can be used anytime including after bathing, before the skin is completely dry, and when the skin feels dry. When using on body, use after bathing on damp skin, before body emulsions or creams, focusing on easy-to-dry body parts such as hands and feet. For Hair: Use on wet or dry hair. Start at the center of the strands and work your way to the end. For Hands & Cuticles: Massage a few drops of oil onto hands and cuticles to hydrate and condition. Skin will feel soft and smooth. For Bathing: Add a few drops to the bath for a luxurious spa experience with a relaxing fragrance.

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